
Environmental Site Assessments
Meiser & Earl, Inc. has conducted more than 100 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in conformance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessment Process E 1527. Phase I ESAs have been conducted for numerous clients, including banks, industries, institutions, land developers, and commercial enterprises. The Phase I ESA typically consists of a review of documents and maps or aerial photographs for the site history, a literature review for the geology and hydrogeology of the site, an on-site reconnaissance, and contacts/interviews with property owners and regulatory and governmental agencies to identify the presence of any “recognized environmental conditions.” Occasionally, limited sampling of soil, water, or other material may be conducted. Often, no “recognized environmental conditions” are present.
If Meiser & Earl, Inc. identifies the presence of a “recognized environmental condition,” Meiser & Earl, Inc. may conduct Phase II and Phase III ESAs to assess whether contamination is actually present (Phase II) and to determine the detailed extent of the contamination (Phase III) for purposes of developing a remediation plan. Phase II and Phase III investigations by Meiser & Earl, Inc. have involved the presence of leaking aboveground and underground storage tanks, soil and groundwater contamination, and lead- or asbestos-containing materials. These investigations have included the installation of monitoring wells and test pits; sampling of groundwater, surface water, and soil; soil-gas surveys; radon evaluation; asbestos inspections; air-quality surveys; and waste sampling. Meiser & Earl, Inc. will work with the client and their engineer to develop a remediation plan for federal and/or state government approval.